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Make money from blogging – How To Get People To Follow Your Blog


Make money from blogging – How To Get People To Follow Your Blog

Make money from blogging

Make money from blogging

Not long ago, a blog was just an outlet for people to share their opinions, tell stories or even rant about the bad things in life. Thanks to the advancement of the internet, bloggers are now able to make a profit out of their blogs. Many top blogging platforms, such as Blogspot offer ways for you to make money from blogging.

In order to make money from blogging of your blog site, you must have a good following of supporters who regard you as an expert in your industry.If your blog is about gadgets, then make sure your gadget reviews are credible and up to date. If it’s about gossip, then work hard to get the latest scoop on celebrity happenings. Normally it takes creativity and continuous content to get loyal visitors but due to the competition, it’s going to take more than that.Read on the free business internet marketing implemented to profit from blog.

How to make money from blogging method

1. Begin with a free blog hosting platform

There are many free blog web hosting services out there. Other choices are blog.com, soulcast and livejournal.The main reason why I want you to start with a free service is because it’s free. If you don’t become successful, you won’t get stuck with a site hosting bill. What’s more, everything is ready for you. No need to be concerned about the scripts, applications and templates of your blog. Free blog hosting services are user friendly because they just give you the choices and all you have to do is click and click.

2. Choose your area of interest

This is commonly known in the internet world as a niche. Your niche should be something you really like and something you’re really good at. It makes no sense to blog about something you’re not familiar with. You should also be able to present your niche in an interesting angle.How to do that?Think long and hard about what you’re willing to spend time and effort on. Is it food? Would it be electronic gadgets? Or are you into real estate and financial stuff? Whatever it is, fin d it! After that, think of an interesting way to portray it.Ask yourself what would other fanatics of the same niche be interested in? Once that’s settled, find a way to expound that topic into several articles that you can write about. That way, your blog will have a continuous supply of articles and your readers will have something to look forward to.

3. Write continuously

This is one of the most important rules in blogging. You should write continuously to make money from blogging. Remember that people are always looking for fresh content. No one will visit your blog if they keep getting the same thing! At least one article a day is recommended. The best marketing strategy for this is already mentioned in the previous step: create a topic that can be extended into more articles.Here’s a common example: Susie has a Blogspot account for food. She can write about desserts and her next entries will be about different types of desserts and how to prepare them. That gives her more than a week’s worth of content.

4. Interact with your visitors

Like in any industry; building rapport with your customers is the key to making them loyal to you then make money from blogging. First, install a tracker to keep track of your statistics. Not all visitors comment, especially first timers. When they do comment though, you need to make them feel that their comments are appreciated.You should also give readers advance notice about posts that might excite them. This ensures that they will come back to read that post.

5. Monetize your blog

There are several ways to do this. The 2 common marketing strategies are: PPC and pay per sale marketing. It’s easy to get an Adsense account when you have Blogspot as your free hosting service because it is owned by Google.Adsense places ads on your site that are related to your niche and they pay you for every click on that ad. If you want to earn more money, try pay per sale. This type of internet marketing for online business strategy pays you a commission for every product sold using the link placed on your blog then you already make money from blogging.

Try it out the method of make money from blogging.

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