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The term viral marketing has become a catch phrase across the internet, used to describe the rapid and wide spread of content. It sounds like a marketing dream, and it can indeed be used to great effect. While you can’t force something to go viral, you can create content that has a high probability of being shared.

If you create content that is compelling enough, you can use Viral Marketing to build links in a rapid fire approach

Most people think of videos when they hear the words, “going viral,” but really, they can apply to almost any type of content, even a blog post. The key is that it must be something people will want to share with everyone they know. You’ve got to engage human nature in some way.

As one of your SEO tools, viral marketing spreads backlinks. The more successful, the more links, and search engines will see these links as completely natural, since they are being spread organically through public sharing. The links will be seen as more relevant, and will contribute an additional boost to rank.

There are a several ways to go about creating content with the best chances of going viral. Humor is often used. A remarkable feat – either real or exaggerated for effect – is another approach frequently taken. In any case, it shouldn’t be something that’s a hard-sell for your product or service. The tie-in should, in fact, be fairly subtle.

Interactive content, such as short animations which visitors can personalize and send to their friends, is popular and often highly effective. Relating content to a holiday or other current event, such as the Olympics or a Presidential election, is a great way to make the content relevant and appealing. Tutorials and other how-to content about your products, service, or niche can be very successful, because people love learning about things.

To spread the word, post a link to the content at all your social media sites. Don’t oversell it, but tease your audience so they can’t resist clicking through. Send an email to your customers or newsletter list with a link. Don’t do anything spammy, such as non-customer email blasts or social media comment spamming. That’s no way to gain interest.

There are a number of different ways to create and spread content that has the potential to go viral. It’s not a sure thing, but, especially for certain types of business, it’s worth the effort. It’s just one element of a well-rounded approach to SEO marketing.

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